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How to fix inside-out functional programming with pipe

Ronald Chen June 13th 2022


As one initially starts practising functional programming with tiny single purpose pure functions, one gets to a point where the composition of those functions seems awkward.

Let's say we are extracting the results from a League of Legends match from the Riot API. In a functional programming style, we could break this down into a series of functions.

function extractResult(match: GetMatchResponseDto): RawResult {...

// converts things like mapId: 1 to mapName: "Summoner's Rift"
function humanizeGameConstants(result: RawResult): HumanizedResult {...

// calculates bonus points based off of first Dragon/Baron kill
function calculateBonusPoints(result: HumanizedResult): FinalResult {...

The actual code that composes these functions together would look like.

const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result = calculateBonusPoints(humanizeGameConstants(extractResult(match)))

But isn't it strange that the data flows right to left, which is backwards when reading the code from left to right? This is what I mean by inside-out functional programming. This consumes mental energy by having the reader start from the end.

We can attempt to solve this problem by introducing intermediate variables.

const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result1 = extractResult(match)
const result2 = humanizeGameConstants(result1)
const result = calculateBonusPoints(result2)

But then this introduces a new problem. result1/result2 are clearly poorly named and we could make up better ones. However, this is just noise. We don't care about the names for result1/result2, we only wanted the data flow to match the code flow.

What we really want is something that looks like,

const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result = match → extractResult → humanizeGameConstants → calculateBonusPoints

One might recognize this if rewritten in a different way.

curl https://riot.api.../matches/... |  ./extractResult | ./humanizeGameConstants | ./calculateBonusPoints > result

It's the pipe operator!

There are a few ways to use the pipe operator in our code today.

ts-belt pipe

import { pipe } from '@mobily/ts-belt'
const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result = pipe(

ramda pipe

import * as R from 'ramda'
const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result = R.pipe(

Notice how ramda takes the approach of composing functions using pipe, whereas ts-belt takes a data-first approach where match is the first argument into pipe.

There is a proposed pipe operator for JavaScript.

const {data: match} = await riotApi.getMatch(...)
const result = match
  |> extractResult(%)
  |> humanizeGameConstants(%)
  |> calculateBonusPoints(%)

The work-in-progress syntax is definitely controversial, but it does solve our original problem having the data flow match the code flow.

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