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We’ve Got a New Look

Battlefy October 30th 2014

You might have noticed a few subtle changes to the blog and some of our social media properties over the last few weeks. Today we made a less subtle change to the main website and launched our new look! For the most part, how you use Battlefy will not change at all though there is some difference in how you create a tournament. Let’s walk through it together:

Tournament Creation

We’ve removed the step-by-step wizard that requires you to enter every bit of information before you can see your tournament page. Instead, you will be met by this:

Once you’ve entered that basic information, you’ll be taken to our new tournament page!

By clicking the Admin Panel button, you’ll be able to edit any of the information you want on your tournament as always!

Navigating Brackets

By clicking Brackets, you’ll be able to see any of the brackets attached to the tournament. The Results page is now found as a tab related to each bracket.

What Do You Think?

We’re constantly improving Battlefy and this is our first step towards giving you a more pleasant experience organizing and playing in tournaments! We have some really great ideas we’re already working on implementing to make it easier than ever to run a successful event.

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